#Alhamdulillah #CENTHRA had the opportunity to share the theory and practice of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) with friends of Indonesia Islamic Philanthropy Institutions and NGOs in a Focused Group Discussion titled: “Peran dan Urgensi Keterlibatan Civil Society dalam Universal Periodic Review (UPR) untuk Indonesia Tahun 2022” – The role and urgency for Civil Society Organisations’ involvement in the UPR for Indonesia in 2022 – organised by the Dompet Dhuafa in collaboration with the Social Policy and Human Rights Institute (SOPHIE) and Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Hukum Islam (LKIHI FHUI).
The #FGD session also discussed current human rights issues from leading Islamic NGO leaders and academicians including Dr. Neng Djulaiah a respected expert for Islamic Family Law in Indonesia, Dr. Heru Susetyo from PAHAM/ Social Policy & Human Rights Institute (SOPHIE), Nabila, S.H from the Board of Islamic Studies and Islamic Law, Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, and Bambang Suherman, Director, Dompet Dhuafa.
We are hopeful for more NGOs among Muslim countries will benefit from similar sessions in the future as it promotes knowledge and skills of the UN mechanism among Islamic human rights activists.