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Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy, CENTHRA started off as MuslimUPRo, a coalition of Muslim-based NGOs in Malaysia participating in the 2nd cycle of the UNHRC’s Universal Periodic Review in Geneva during March 2014. During the UPR process, MuslimUPRo had successfully presented Malaysian Muslim NGOs’ views with regards to key rights issues such as the position of Islam as the Religion of Federation enshrined in the country’s constitution and the rejection of rights advocated by liberal and secular human rights groups which are not compatible with the Malaysian socio-political context and practice. As a follow-up initiative after the UPR process, the coalition decided to institutionalize their activities and engagement leading to the 2nd UPR cycle for further involvement and extended human rights programmes beneficial to Malaysian society at large. Thus CENTHRA was officially approved as a non-profit company limited by guarantee under Company Commission of Malaysia on 25th July 2014.



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