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The Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (CENTHRA) is shocked and appalled to learn that the Zionist regime of Israel has engaged in wanton killing of more than 60 children during its ongoing murderous assault upon the Gaza Strip in Palestine.
According to various media reports, disproportionate air strikes of Gaza have resulted in the deaths of at least 60 Palestinian children with the death toll still climbing.

The age of these children ranges between six months to 17 years. Over half of them were under 10 years old. Further, more than 1,000 people in Gaza are reported injured, some severely, including a high number of children. Children killed include those who were receiving care for trauma. Further, CENTHRA notes that in Gaza, 35 schools have been damaged while at least 29 schools are temporarily sheltering displaced families who fled their homes due to heavy violence. Up to 10,000 people have been displaced, the majority are children.

Such shocking news had led CENTHRA to believe that children are bearing the brunt of this ongoing escalation of violence, which is chiefly the fault of Israel as an occupying power under the Geneva Conventions. All sides need to end the violence and have an obligation to protect civilians – especially children – and facilitate humanitarian access. The underlying triggers for this violence will not be resolved through further violence.

Barbaric killings perpetrated by this regime are a clear violation of International law, in particular the Convention Against Torture (CAT) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CAT), both of which this regime has ratified and ostensibly has pledged to uphold. Article 2 of CAT requires that all signatories thereto take all appropriate measures to prevent torture in any territory within its jurisdiction and forbids the invocation of war as an excuse justifying torture while Article 19 of the CRC stipulates that signatories take app measures to prevent all forms of violence against children.

That this regime has upheld neither as evidenced by its callous disregard for children that fall victim to its state backed rampage is clear grounds for action and CENTHRA thus calls upon the international community to act to contain Israel before more children perish at the hands of this barbaric regime.

CENTHRA shall accordingly be petitioning the Committee against Torture as constituted under CAT and the Committee for the Rights of the Child as constituted under CRC to ensure that the Zionist regime is held to account and prosecuted to the fullest extent under International law for its unconscionable as well as unmistakable war crimes as described above.

In the meantime, CENTHRA reiterates its call to the international community, in particular fellow Malaysians, to do what they can to prevent more senseless deaths in the ongoing escalation of violence between Palestine and the Zionist regime.

Azril Mohd Amin
Founder & Chief Executive, CENTHRA

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Source – Centhra Facebook Page